Kul Mocks Strawberry Mock-arita

Kul Mocks Strawberry Mock-arita
Margarita / KUL MOCKS NA / 0.0%
Original hand-crafted cocktails, without the alcohol. Perfect for weekends on the lake, tailgates, hanging with friends and family or spending time relaxing at home, KUL MOCKS is the new refreshing line of beverages to drink when looking to socialize without sacrificing tomorrow.
Mocktails are nothing new. Likely ever since cocktails were invented there have been individuals who wanted to come up with a version that tastes similar but lacks the alcohol and the negative effects that come with it. Even pre-canned mocktails have been around for more than a decade now. In my opinion, as with most things, they have been getting better and better as time goes on.
Now there are entire brands dedicated to making these canned drinks that make you feel like your having a drink today without having to feel it tomorrow. Kul Mocks is one of those companies establishing themselves in this non-alcoholic realm.
Most of these brands make the smart move by tailoring their product to the health-conscious customer in a number of other ways. Kul Mocks is no exception. It is very clear through their packaging that their products are gluten-free, non-GMO, and contain no artificial sweeteners. Also of note, Kul Mocks are strictly 0.00 percent alcohol by volume.
This is compared to other NA products, which are only required to be below 0.05 percent in order to earn that classification. So they are more suitable for the full-on teetotaler. There are currently three flavors of Kul Mocks available, and they all sound delicious. Today I will be sampling one and formulating a Kul Mocks Strawberry Mock-arita review.

Kul Mocks Strawberry Mock-arita Review
The Kul Mocks can itself is a combination of aesthetically pleasing artwork and plenty of marketing material. All of the health benefits are listed plentifully on different parts of the can, while the central logo for this flavor is a margarita glass filled with red liquid and adorned with a strawberry garnish. Red is the dominant color, letting us know that this beverage is caffeine free and full of natural flavors.
The nutritional information is all right there on the back of the can. This mock-arita contains just50 calories per 12-ounce serving, which is a fraction of the amount of any cocktail of this size and even the majority of soft drinks out there. While this isn’t a wine or spirit tasting, I do still like to take in all of the aromas that the drink has to offer before indulging in the sampling. The punch on the nose is about what you would expect from this type of beverage, strong strawberry aroma with some nice citrus lime notes running underneath.
There is a bit of syrupy sugar in the air, which scares me a little bit but hopefully isn’t too bad considering the natural sweeteners.
I imagine the drink is designed to be enjoyed straight out of the can, but poured into a glass it is a beautifully fitting bright red. Presentation isn’t all that important in the world of canned mocktails, but I could see this one catching a few eyes as it sits on the shelf. But none of that really matters when we are trying to answer the question “Is Kul Mocks Strawberry Mock-arita good?” Let’s find out.
Is Kul Mocks Strawberry Mock-arita Good?
There isn’t much to speak of in terms of surprises on the tongue. The one thing I was very pleased to find is that syrup quality is extremely subdued from what I caught in the aroma. There is more of a fruity tartness to the flavor profile instead of an overpowering sweetness, and that makes me happy.
There is a lively amount of carbonation that dances around the mouth and wasn’t readily apparent upon simply cracking the can. As far as flavors, it’s tough to nail down any specific elements aside from strawberry and that lime citrus, both of which come in at terrifically balanced levels.
Despite that dynamic mouthfeel, the body of the drink is actually on the lighter side and melts easily down the sides of the tongue. This is decidedly not a typical characteristic of a margarita, but the lack of a bite makes this go down smoothly. In face, it is so immensely drinkable that I could see knocking back one after another on a warm day.
Overall it would be tough for me to be more pleased with the flavor profile of this beverage. But I am not sure if it’s doing exactly what it’s setting out do it. I still need to come up with a Kul Mock Strawberry Mock-arita rating that takes both of these factors into consideration.
Kul Mocks Strawberry Mock-arita Rating
If the ultimate goal of this drink is to mimic a cocktail as accurately as it possibly can, then it does actually fall short in some ways. At no point did my brain get tricked into thinking that this resembled an alcoholic cocktail. Obviously they are attempting to imitate a margarita, but there are so many elements of that drink – ice, salt, garnish – that are impossible to place into a can. Then again, if you were really determined to put together a faux margarita you could always pour this over ice, salt the rim, and pretend you are visiting an island paradise.
This is not at all to say that the drink is anything but pleasant. If you are just looking for something that is relatively healthy but still packs great flavor and will quench your thirst, then absolutely give this drink a try. They would be great to toss in a cooler and take to a beach or a cookout. And considering there is often no easy way to manufacture a quality margarita in those types of situations, I suppose this mocktail does have a place in the world. They even retain most of their delicious flavor as they sit and get warmer, which is something that cannot be said for most cold drinks, alcoholic or not.
All of this is making it tough to wrap up this Kul Mocks Strawberry Mock-arita review with a fair grade. I think I am compelled to give it a solid 4 out of 5 rating. It is a truly tasty beverage, and while it doesn’t really trigger thoughts of a cocktail, it could do better in that department with some effort put in to construct a proper drink. I can’t imagine anyone being disappointed after picking up a package of these from the store.
Photo Credit: https://www.kulmocks.com/