Why Go Low — Or Even No?
The sober-curious life is a great way to refresh your approach to alcohol or even kick-start a new, healthier regimen.

There’s been a lot of buzz lately about the idea of being “sober-curious”. What does this mean? Well, it’s loosely defined as the choice to get curious about every aspect of alcohol consumption. Why choose an alcoholic drink over a no-alcohol beer or a mocktail? Often it’s an effect of the dominant culture in our society: happy hours, cocktail parties, even seemingly innocuous phrases like “Do you want to grab a drink?” or “Let’s talk about this over drinks.”
Though we all know about Dry January and Sober October, a sober-curious lifestyle can be adopted at any point during the year. Coined by Ruby Warrington, the term “sober curious” simply means living a life that’s intentional when it comes to alcohol use. Becoming sober-curious doesn’t mean that you consider yourself to have a problem with drinking, it just means that you are acting in a more mindful manner when it comes to your attitude toward consuming alcohol.
Though we all know about Dry January and Sober October, a sober-curious lifestyle can be adopted at any point during the year.

Being sober-curious appeals to a wide variety of people, because it’s not focused on an all-or-nothing approach. Sober-curiosity is completely adaptable — it doesn’t mean you have to stop drinking entirely. If you choose to live a completely sober lifestyle, great! Want to enjoy an alcoholic beverage now and again? That’s fine too. Either way, most liquor stores now offer tons of options for sober-curious folks. Let lo2no.com help you find the perfect NA sipper for you, whether that’s a no- or low-alcohol beer, wine, or cocktail. Consider some of the benefits of adopting a sober-curious lifestyle:
Becoming sober-curious can provide you with the opportunity to make real changes when it comes to your behavioral patterns around alcohol and your overall mental health. For example, if you’re the type of person who likes to have a drink to take the edge off in social situations, taking a break from alcohol can help to encourage you to learn better ways of managing stress. Opting for a low-alcohol beer or cocktail at social events is a great way for you to experiment with sober-curiosity — and you might meet other sober-curious people too.
Opting for a low-alcohol beer or cocktail at social events is a great way for you to experiment with sober-curiosity.

Sober-curiosity gives you the chance to make some social changes as well. Finding a support system can be important for many newly sober people, so link up with others who have a similar mindset. When you avoid morning-ruining hangovers, you make more time for yourself. So instead of sleeping the day away or crashing out on the couch, you could spend time with family, take a walk with another sober-curious friend, try a new fitness class, learn a new skill or hobby…the options are endless!
When you choose to reduce your alcohol consumption, you’ll likely experience other health benefits as well. Most people forget the fact that alcohol is filled with empty calories, and though it may help you fall asleep, it won’t help you stay asleep. Continued heavy drinking can also lead to more serious consequences, like permanent behavioral changes and an increased risk for certain types of cancer, liver disease, and more.
If you’ve got concerns about your drinking habits or a more serious alcohol use disorder, sober-curiosity is one way to dip your toe into a more permanent alcohol-free lifestyle. However, it shouldn’t be used as a lasting solution — when you’re ready, consult with your primary care physician.
The sober-curious life is a great way to refresh your approach to alcohol or even kick-start a new, healthier regimen. If you’re ready to reach for a mocktail, low-alcohol cocktail, or no-alcohol beer, let lo2no.com help you navigate the wide world of alcohol-free options.