Best Non Alcoholic Beverages for the Holidays
No matter your reasons for abstaining from alcohol during the holiday season, there are plenty of NA options on the market to ensure that your parties are full of cheer.

As the holidays roll around, there are a few things that you can always count on – cold weather, delicious food, and time off from work among them. But another staple of the season is holiday parties. Whether gathering with your family, co-workers, or friends, there is sure to be plenty of booze flowing around you. This makes it a challenging time of year to stick with non-alcoholic drinks, but fear not. No matter your reasons for abstaining from alcohol during the holiday season, there are plenty of NA options on the market to ensure that your parties are full of cheer.
Nowadays you don’t have to miss out on more seasonal styles just because you’re laying off the booze.

NA Holiday Beer Options
Even at a holiday party with all of the cinnamon and pumpkin spice you could ask for, some people are just beer drinkers. Nothing wrong with that. Fortunately for us, the NA beer market has branched out substantially in recent years. It wasn’t that long ago that the only non-alcoholic beer you could find was the occasional domestic lager. But nowadays you don’t have to miss out on more seasonal styles just because you’re laying off the booze.
Perhaps the current king of the NA beer industry is Athletic Brewing, with healthy options across the spectrum. In addition to their terrific IPAs and light offerings, Athletic has now brought some darker options to market that are perfect for the fall and winter months. Perhaps the best of these is their Stump Jump Autumn Brown. This ale is both rich and crisp, with a toasty malt and a roasted caramel character to warm your belly on these chilly days. Their award-winning All Out Extra Dark is another great holiday option with its dark coffee malt and light chocolate notes.
(Athletic also has an ongoing pilot beer program that offers some more experimental styles. Might be worth keeping your eye on as we move through the season.)
Gruvi is another company making NA beer that could be suitable for your holiday party. While they are also IPA-focused, they have an Irish-style dry Stout that gives you everything from roasted barley malt to notes of nut and honey. On top of that, as part of their Discovery Series they have released a seasonal Mocha Nitro Stout with a full body featuring notes of chocolate and coffee.
So if it’s beer you want to crack at your holiday party, there are plenty of great options to choose from that fit the season perfectly. And the low calorie count of these NA offerings is especially beneficial when compared to a traditional alcoholic stout and all its creamy goodness.
Non-Alcoholic Liquor for the Holidays
When it comes to holiday cocktails, any number of things could pop into your mind. My first instinct is to turn to a nice bourbon drink with just the right amount of sweetness and warmth. Others might picture something with cream or coffee added to holiday spices like cinnamon. Whatever your go-to mixer is during a holiday party, there are alcohol-free products out there that will still provide everything you are looking for.
Nanobar is a great website to browse for ingredients to add to your seasonal cocktails. One such product that stands out is The Spirit of Bourbon from the company Free Spirits. Can I convincingly say that it has all the delectable elements of a top-notch traditional bourbon when sipped neat? Maybe not. But the sweet smoothness that is does provide fits just as well in a variety of cocktails. Add it to some eggs, cream, and sugar for a nice egg nog, or mix it with some hot water and lemon for a hot toddy that will keep you warm no matter how frigid it is outside.
Lyre’s is another great brand with a lot of variety when it comes to non-alcoholic spirits. One of their unique products is an Italian Spritz. This can be a great option when combined with the right fruit to make a tasty holiday cocktail. Mix it with club soda, as well as apple and cranberry – in either juice or fresh form – and you have a bright, refreshing drink that will be the envy of your entire party. Lyre’s also makes an American Malt, a Dry London Spirit that resembles gin, and Amaretti. This facsimile of almond-based Amaretto can be paired wonderfully with coffee and cream to put a twist on a White Russian. Or you can mix it with apple cider and fresh sliced orange to make an easy-drinking fall cocktail that would be perfect at Thanksgiving dinner.
Whatever your go-to mixer is during a holiday party, there are alcohol-free products out there that will still provide everything you are looking for.

NA Wine and Champagne to Celebrate
Not to be forgotten among all the beer and liquor, many people like to sip on a glass of wine during the holidays, and champagne is always a favorite at celebratory events. Luckily, there are plenty of non-alcoholic versions of these drinks available on the market today.
Mulled wine is a holiday favorite for some, and it’s extremely simple to make a version sans alcohol. Take a dealcoholized red wine, like the Prickly Red from Studio Null. Add a little bourbon like Kentucky 74 from Spiritless. Heat the mixture in a saucepan with citrus peels and star anise. Garnish with cinnamon and voila, a delicious mulled wine with none of the booze.
Sangria is another great wine-based party drink – the type where you can just make a large batch and share it with everyone. Studio Nul’s Solo Garnacha is an absolutely perfect dealcoholized wine to add to freshly cut fruit and some sweetener. You could throw in some ginger beer to bring bubbles to the mix, and no one will be complaining that your sangria is alcohol free.
Perhaps a bright Rose is more up your alley during times of celebration. From companies like Joyus and Surely, plenty of those exist out on the market with just enough sugar to give you that little kick of sweetness you’re looking for without being overwhelming.
There are plenty of places to find these offerings. Websites like Boisson even sell products like a Guiltless Cheers Set, featuring a bottle of Thomson & Scott alcohol-free sparkling Chardonnay along with two champagne glasses. This set is perfect for you and your partner to split at your next holiday party.
Stay Alcohol-Free and Have Fun During Your Holiday Party
There are myriad reasons that you might want to turn to non-alcoholic options during the holidays. Maybe you are trying to limit your calorie intake at a time where it is far too easy to indulge. Or maybe you volunteered to be the designated driver for your family or friends. Whatever the case may be, there is no reason that you need to miss out on all the cheer just because you’ve decided to cut alcohol out.
Whether you are hankering for beer, liquor, or wine at your next holiday party, there are terrific products out on the market that give you all the flavor with none of the hangover. Oftentimes these celebrations can be a source of some stress along with all of the joy. While other people are washing that stress away with alcohol, you don’t have to worry that there aren’t any options for you. Just make sure you’re prepared with some of these alcohol-free drinks so there’s plenty to share with everyone else at the party.