Low-Alcohol Wine Reviews

Low Alcohol Wine Reviews That Make It Easy To Choose Your Next Bottle

You might be familiar with mocktails (or cocktails made without alcohol), but are you familiar with low-alcohol wines yet? These wines have a lower ABV than traditional wine — typically from about 6 to 10%. While this may not seem like a huge difference (regular wine generally falls at about 13.5%), choosing a low-alcohol wine allows you to have another glass tonight without the pounding headache tomorrow. 

For those who are new to the category, welcome! If you have knowledge of traditional wines, you’ll already be familiar with the basics of low-alcohol wines — the varietals are the same, the process is largely the same. The only thing missing is the alcohol. Several varietals of wine are naturally low-alcohol, including gamay (especially French gamay), vinho verde, and riesling; however, wine has the capacity to produce wildly different ABVs from year to year, meaning that you shouldn’t just grab the first bottle of vinho verde you see. Instead, low-alcohol wine reviews can help you make a great choice, whether you’re looking for a fruity red, a tart white, a fizzy rose, or anything else you might be craving.

How Are The Best Low Alcohol Wines Produced?

Low-alcohol wine is made by the same process as regular wine. Because the alcohol content is tied directly to the amount of sugar that’s available during the fermentation process, the key is to control the amount of sugar. This can be done during the winemaking process by stopping fermentation at a certain point. 

It can also be done by selecting grapes that are naturally low-sugar, such as grapes grown at a higher altitude or in a cool climate. These conditions slow the maturation of the grape, resulting in lower levels of sugar. There are also grape varieties that can ripen without an increase in sugar levels. 

All of these methods create equally great low-ABV wines, so don’t be put off by a certain process. You may find that you prefer one over the other; wine purists often commit themselves to harvest- and varietal-based methods, but if you ask us, we think they’re missing out. 

Why would I want to try low-alcohol wine?

There are a plethora of reasons that you might be interested in giving low-alcohol wine a shot. As we mentioned above, alcohol content is directly tied to the amount of sugar in a given wine. You don’t need to be a master sommelier to understand that the less sugar there is present in a wine means less calories as well. This can be beneficial in a couple of ways. You can consume the same amount of delicious wine that you typically do while cutting your calorie intake down drastically. Or you can derive even more pleasure by giving yourself the ability to drink more glasses of wine without the calorie count skyrocketing out of control. But there are other health benefits to be had as well.

In moderation, red wine can be a real boost to your health, and the polyphenols that make that so are still in wine that has lower alcohol content than normal. This means that you can still reap all of the benefits, even if you don’t want to catch all of the buzz or wake up the next day with a dreaded wine hangover. It also means that you don’t need to go all the way and cut out alcohol consumption altogether.

While some people who are looking to lose weight or are dealing with other negative effects of alcohol might opt to abstain completely, there is a fine middle ground to be found by those who still want to enjoy a genuine glass of vino but are simply looking to make some minor corrections to their intake. It does not have to be an all or nothing proposition any longer. And with all of the high-quality low-alcohol wine on the market these days, you have nothing to lose by giving it a go.

Where do I start with low-alcohol wine?

Not too long ago there probably wouldn’t have been many options with which to answer this question, but as this industry has begun to expand rapidly it has become all the more complicated. This is a good reason to put your trust in experts who put in the work to review every low-alcohol wine they can get their hands on.

There are some trendy brand names out there currently, such as FitVine and Mind + Body, but are those necessarily the highest quality low-alcohol wines that you can find on the market today? It can be an overwhelming question to try and answer if you are just dipping your toe into this world.

One large part of being a wine drinker is trying new things, as every varietal from every winery every year has its own unique character. There is a good chance that you may not have ever experienced some of the low-sugar grape varieties that result in lower abv wine. So there is a lot to take in when making the switch. Your first step might simply be seeing what your local liquor store has to offer and grabbing a bottle for pasta night. But after that, make sure you are getting your info here at lo2no.com, where we are dedicated to saving you time and money by doing all of the research necessary to let you know which low-abv wines are worth drinking and which ones you can take a pass on.

Trustworthy Low Alcohol Wine Reviews

Whether you’re new to the world of low-alcohol wines or you’re a seasoned oenophile, you will definitely find something to love. But just like we do with traditional wines, we like to do research. At lo2no.com, we provide you with thorough and thoughtful reviews by experts on all things low- and no-alcohol — including low-ABV wines. 

It can be time-consuming to pick a low-alcohol wine from more traditional offerings, so instead of digging through the crates at your local wine shop, try reading some low-alcohol wine reviews before heading out. They’re a great way to arm yourself with the information you need. Whether you are looking for a low-ABV wine from an established vineyard or seeking a maker who specializes in low-alcohol wines, advice from our experts can steer you toward having a great experience.

Here you will find reviews and ratings of many of the low-alcohol wines on store shelves. We hope you learn a little and get excited to pick up some low-alcohol wine yourself!